I got to go to the LA Temple today for the first time! It was so marvelous to be there! I could not have pictured being any where else to feel the calmness and love that is in the temple.
My parents were married in the LA temple and so they were able to show me around and I got to see where everything is in there. It is so huge! I love the temple and the blessings that we receive from it. There is such a strong feeling when you are in there that is indescribable.
I got to surprise my grandma in the temple! See, they work at the temple for one week out of the year and this happened to be their week to be there. I got to see her and share special time with her in the temple. What a marvelous thing it is, to know that we are with our family's forever when we are sealed in the House of the Lord for time and all eternity! How thankful I am for a family that is active in the Church and parent's who have taught me the blessings of being close to the Savior.